We will be designing, building, and fundraising for a learning center in the village of Sirupinayur. This learning center will provide educational services, economic empowerment, and literacy and clothing resources. This learning center will serve as a platform for education to multiple nearby communities.
Over the course of a year, our team will communicate and listen to Sirupinayur's needs. We are projects with underserved communities, not for. In June of 2019, we will travel across the world to work side-by-side with the villagers to ensure a sustainable, culturally fitting, and impactful project is produced.

We will be working with a small village called Sirupinayur which contains the Irula community. Irula translates to “dark people” in Malayalam & Tamil. The Irula people are globally known as some of the world's best snake catchers. The village is made up of approximately 55 families.

Working alongside a community in southern India, we hope to take a small step in the right direction by improving quality of life for all regardless of race, ethnicity, economic class, or religion. We hope to emphasis the importance of equality by offering back what our privilege was thankfully given us.

Milestone I - Development
With heavy communication, our team will gather all necessarily preliminary data regarding travel and construction site.
Milestone II - Design
Understanding the community need and Indian building standards, designs will be put to the test!
Milestone III - Implementation
We will travel to India and begin construction! With some contracting work and community assistance , the structure will be completed!
Milestone IV - Turnover

PUC is a project-based service organization through the University of Texas at Austin. The organization acts as a medium for collaboration for both the Cockrell School of Engineering and the School of Social work to address international need-based problems. Students from both walks of life, come together to with the help of an in-country NGO Facilitor to desgin, implement, and sustain infrustructure projects. PUC has completed over a dozen projects in nine different countries.
Community Center in Packianathapuram
"We will building a community center that will provide multiple services: economic empowerment for farmers, literacy resources for women and children, and an open platform for discussing community issues.
Throughout this entire year, we'll be collaborating with the village of Packianathapuram to ensure that our project truly meets their needs. When we travel across the world next June to implement the community center, we'll be building it side-by-side with the villagers."
-PUC India 2017

Anganwadi Community Center in Nasampalli
"We are designing, raising funds, and helping build an Anganwadi Community Center and children’s toilet. Through the implementation of the Anganwadi Community Center and children’s toilet, we hope to improve our community’s access to healthcare, education, and overall well-being. This project is something that we are extremely passionate about. We hope to use the skills we have developed in school to better the lives of others around the world."
-PUC India 2016
6 Housing Foundations in Dharapuram
"Working alongside the Narikuravar tribe in Southern India, our mission is to design a project that is both culturally sensitive and meets the needs of the community.
For this previously nomadic community, permanent housing was not a priority. However since their recent settling, they have not had the skills or resources to build permanent homes. A permanent home will allow this community to educate their children and establish a sense of dignity and ownership. We have spent the fall semester in close contact with the community in which we hope to operate, assessing the projects for feasibility, risk, impact and sustainability."
-PUC India 2015

In order to be successful we have many different collaborating partners who are dedicated towards a sustainable and feasible project product. We have three major partners who are involved every step of the way to ensure different factors of safety.



Getting Us Started
Projects with Underserved Communities is a group within the International Office at The University if Texas at Austin. The International Office is responsible to ensure we have a strong medium and environment to work in. They help us assess in-country risks and teach us basic construction skills.
Checking Our Work
SLAB stands for Service Learning Advisory Board and they are a group comprised of professors, practicing engineers, and International Office administrators and employers. Their primary purpose is to assist and advice on our team logistics, project logistics, and community relations. We present four large milestone projects and offer weekly updates of our status.
Being Our Middleman
Our non-governmental organization is CASA also known as Church's Auxiliary for Social Action. CASA was once a religious organization, however they currently function as a secular non-profit organization focused on improving the quality of life and empowering the people of India through social justice and poverty relief. They presented us with a need and they are our main source of communication.